
this method allows to create the next generation controllers

These innovative controllers are easy to create with our device.

And there are no limitations for glass sizes!

Create On/Off switches

Transparent and integrated application.
A simple on/off switch can be really cool!

Dimmers and Sliders

Controlling windows directly from the glass - no need for remote controls, cords or separate controllers.

No limitations for glass sizes

The new method allows coatings on different glass sizes - the same device and each glass can be different size. Unbelievable, isn't it?

The device is usable as a module or a stand-alone in any premises

No clean room needed - this means a lot of savings.

Lighting & Audio Control

Control your lighting or audio level straight from the glass


Our method is suitable to make sensors on the glass: possible variants could be humidity sensors, temperature control sensor or glass break sensors.

We are developing a method and a device usable in the coating processes of surfaces. With this device, you can coat only a targeted area on a glass. 

Why Intelligent Glass Control?

We are used to control items and applications from surfaces. Touching is a natural way to control for us – no need for guidance.

What You Get?

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